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Fines for weekend breaks in cabs

The DVSA announced that, in line with European counterparts, as from 1 November 2017 they would commence fining drivers for spending full weekend rests in cabs away from formal rest areas. The penalties include a fixed penalty notice of £300 (UK drivers) or a financial penalty deposit for non-UK drivers, a prohibition on the driver until a full weekly rest is properly taken and operators to be reported to the licensing authority.

I continue to be surprised at the number of operators who are happy for their drivers to spend their ‘night out’ in a layby, with little regard for the safety of the driver, the vehicle or customers’ goods.  This decision by DVSA will at least ensure that companies facilitate a driver’s ability to take the weekend rest in a reasonably secure area with facilities for the driver.  However services are often noisy, restricting a driver’s ability to get a good night’s sleep, and have a limited amount of space  Let’s hope that the decision from DVSA will will encourage more action to promote improved motorway services and additional HGV secure parking!

20th November 2017